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For institutions

We bring together decision-makers in the science community

Lunch Talk: Forum Future Learning

The network meeting for science management and academic human resources development

The "Forum Future Learning" is a virtual network meeting for science managers and human resource developers with a focus on early career researchers. The aim of the one-hour format is to promote cross-institutional dialogue and collegial exchange among participants.


Forum Future Learning

Upcoming dates


"New work" in the scientific world

A best practice from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Heike Koos, Head of Inhouse-Consulting Personnel and Organisational Development, Project Management Roll-out New Work@Fraunhofer July 1st., 2024 | 11 AM - 12 PM Location: Zoom Participation is free of charge


More than just a profile

LinkedIn as a tool for science managers Johanna Stadlbauer is responsible for the career development of postdocs at the University of Graz (Austria) 16.09.2024 | 11-12 am Location: Zoom Participation is free of charge

Previous speakers at "Forum Future Learning"

LinkedIn for graduate institutions - How can academic institutions utilise the potential of the social network?"”

Charlotte Janosa.png

Charlotte Janosa

Junior Science Manager, Graduate School, Technical University of Munich

Science Management 2.0: Between progressive professionalisation and traditional structures”

Patricia Gautschi.png

Patricia Gautschi

Partner at CAPITALENT, HR-Consulting and Executive Search for Scientific Institutions

Ready for Asia? Further education programmes in science in a target group-orientated way and communicate successfully”

Robert Kötter.png

Robert Kötter

Japanologist and Asia Expert

Managing people in a dynamic research environment - How the MPG is positioning itself to attract and retain excellent talent for a changing scientific landscape”

Kerstin Dübner-Gee.png

Kerstin Dübner-Gee

Human Resources Development & Opportunities, Max-Planck-Society | Head of Department

Campus of the future - developing hybrid learning spaces at HAW Hamburg”

Kathrin Schillinger.png

Katrin Schillinger

Expert in developing learning spaces at HAW Hamburg

Getting started with e-learning: A Best Practice from the JMU Research Academy Würzburg”

Krischan Brandl.png

Krischan Brandl

Head of Personnel Development for Scientific Staff, JMU Research Academy

Podcasting for Graduate Institutions: The example of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich”

Simon Märkl.png

Simon Märkl, PhD

Science Manager, Graduate Center LMU Munich

Excellent Science Needs Excellent Support - How the Agility Lab is Innovating Government”

Sabrina Reich.png

Sabrina Reich, PhD

Science Manager Agility Lab, University of Stuttgart

High impact at any price? What to do about the mental health crisis in research?”

Evelyn Medawar.png

Evelyn Medawar, PhD cand.

Mental Health Collective of the Max-Planck-Society

DEiN Parcours - Digital introduction for new teachers at the University of Bonn”

Strapi Bilder FFL (7).png

Ursula Gießmann, PhD

Bonn Center for Higher Education (BZH)

What Hannah needs? Insights from the #IchBinHannah discussion”

Amrei Bahr.png

Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr

Junior Professor of Philosophy of Technology & Information at the University of Stuttgart

The AI-Update: How new digital tools will change the university landscape in 2024”

Strapi Bilder FFL (10).png

Prof. Dr. Sandra Niedermeier

Hochschule Kempten

CareerDesign@TUM - Strategies for the professionalisation of mid-level academic staff”

Strapi Bilder FFL (12).png

PD Dr. Kristin Knipfer, Executive Director People Development TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Technical University of Munich

LinkedIn for graduate institutions - How can academic institutions utilise the potential of the social network?"”

Charlotte Janosa.png

Charlotte Janosa

Junior Science Manager, Graduate School, Technical University of Munich

Ready for Asia? Further education programmes in science in a target group-orientated way and communicate successfully”

Robert Kötter.png

Robert Kötter

Japanologist and Asia Expert

Campus of the future - developing hybrid learning spaces at HAW Hamburg”

Kathrin Schillinger.png

Katrin Schillinger

Expert in developing learning spaces at HAW Hamburg

Podcasting for Graduate Institutions: The example of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich”

Simon Märkl.png

Simon Märkl, PhD

Science Manager, Graduate Center LMU Munich

High impact at any price? What to do about the mental health crisis in research?”

Evelyn Medawar.png

Evelyn Medawar, PhD cand.

Mental Health Collective of the Max-Planck-Society

What Hannah needs? Insights from the #IchBinHannah discussion”

Amrei Bahr.png

Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr

Junior Professor of Philosophy of Technology & Information at the University of Stuttgart

CareerDesign@TUM - Strategies for the professionalisation of mid-level academic staff”

Strapi Bilder FFL (12).png

PD Dr. Kristin Knipfer, Executive Director People Development TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Technical University of Munich

LinkedIn for graduate institutions - How can academic institutions utilise the potential of the social network?"”

Charlotte Janosa.png

Charlotte Janosa

Junior Science Manager, Graduate School, Technical University of Munich

Ready for Asia? Further education programmes in science in a target group-orientated way and communicate successfully”

Robert Kötter.png

Robert Kötter

Japanologist and Asia Expert

Campus of the future - developing hybrid learning spaces at HAW Hamburg”

Kathrin Schillinger.png

Katrin Schillinger

Expert in developing learning spaces at HAW Hamburg

Podcasting for Graduate Institutions: The example of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich”

Simon Märkl.png

Simon Märkl, PhD

Science Manager, Graduate Center LMU Munich

High impact at any price? What to do about the mental health crisis in research?”

Evelyn Medawar.png

Evelyn Medawar, PhD cand.

Mental Health Collective of the Max-Planck-Society

What Hannah needs? Insights from the #IchBinHannah discussion”

Amrei Bahr.png

Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr

Junior Professor of Philosophy of Technology & Information at the University of Stuttgart

CareerDesign@TUM - Strategies for the professionalisation of mid-level academic staff”

Strapi Bilder FFL (12).png

PD Dr. Kristin Knipfer, Executive Director People Development TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Technical University of Munich

LinkedIn for graduate institutions - How can academic institutions utilise the potential of the social network?"”

Charlotte Janosa.png

Charlotte Janosa

Junior Science Manager, Graduate School, Technical University of Munich

Ready for Asia? Further education programmes in science in a target group-orientated way and communicate successfully”

Robert Kötter.png

Robert Kötter

Japanologist and Asia Expert

Campus of the future - developing hybrid learning spaces at HAW Hamburg”

Kathrin Schillinger.png

Katrin Schillinger

Expert in developing learning spaces at HAW Hamburg

Podcasting for Graduate Institutions: The example of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich”

Simon Märkl.png

Simon Märkl, PhD

Science Manager, Graduate Center LMU Munich

High impact at any price? What to do about the mental health crisis in research?”

Evelyn Medawar.png

Evelyn Medawar, PhD cand.

Mental Health Collective of the Max-Planck-Society

What Hannah needs? Insights from the #IchBinHannah discussion”

Amrei Bahr.png

Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr

Junior Professor of Philosophy of Technology & Information at the University of Stuttgart

CareerDesign@TUM - Strategies for the professionalisation of mid-level academic staff”

Strapi Bilder FFL (12).png

PD Dr. Kristin Knipfer, Executive Director People Development TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning

Technical University of Munich

Science Management 2.0: Between progressive professionalisation and traditional structures”

Patricia Gautschi.png

Patricia Gautschi

Partner at CAPITALENT, HR-Consulting and Executive Search for Scientific Institutions

Managing people in a dynamic research environment - How the MPG is positioning itself to attract and retain excellent talent for a changing scientific landscape”

Kerstin Dübner-Gee.png

Kerstin Dübner-Gee

Human Resources Development & Opportunities, Max-Planck-Society | Head of Department

Getting started with e-learning: A Best Practice from the JMU Research Academy Würzburg”

Krischan Brandl.png

Krischan Brandl

Head of Personnel Development for Scientific Staff, JMU Research Academy

Excellent Science Needs Excellent Support - How the Agility Lab is Innovating Government”

Sabrina Reich.png

Sabrina Reich, PhD

Science Manager Agility Lab, University of Stuttgart

DEiN Parcours - Digital introduction for new teachers at the University of Bonn”

Strapi Bilder FFL (7).png

Ursula Gießmann, PhD

Bonn Center for Higher Education (BZH)

The AI-Update: How new digital tools will change the university landscape in 2024”

Strapi Bilder FFL (10).png

Prof. Dr. Sandra Niedermeier

Hochschule Kempten

Science Management 2.0: Between progressive professionalisation and traditional structures”

Patricia Gautschi.png

Patricia Gautschi

Partner at CAPITALENT, HR-Consulting and Executive Search for Scientific Institutions

Managing people in a dynamic research environment - How the MPG is positioning itself to attract and retain excellent talent for a changing scientific landscape”

Kerstin Dübner-Gee.png

Kerstin Dübner-Gee

Human Resources Development & Opportunities, Max-Planck-Society | Head of Department

Getting started with e-learning: A Best Practice from the JMU Research Academy Würzburg”

Krischan Brandl.png

Krischan Brandl

Head of Personnel Development for Scientific Staff, JMU Research Academy

Excellent Science Needs Excellent Support - How the Agility Lab is Innovating Government”

Sabrina Reich.png

Sabrina Reich, PhD

Science Manager Agility Lab, University of Stuttgart

DEiN Parcours - Digital introduction for new teachers at the University of Bonn”

Strapi Bilder FFL (7).png

Ursula Gießmann, PhD

Bonn Center for Higher Education (BZH)

The AI-Update: How new digital tools will change the university landscape in 2024”

Strapi Bilder FFL (10).png

Prof. Dr. Sandra Niedermeier

Hochschule Kempten

Science Management 2.0: Between progressive professionalisation and traditional structures”

Patricia Gautschi.png

Patricia Gautschi

Partner at CAPITALENT, HR-Consulting and Executive Search for Scientific Institutions

Managing people in a dynamic research environment - How the MPG is positioning itself to attract and retain excellent talent for a changing scientific landscape”

Kerstin Dübner-Gee.png

Kerstin Dübner-Gee

Human Resources Development & Opportunities, Max-Planck-Society | Head of Department

Getting started with e-learning: A Best Practice from the JMU Research Academy Würzburg”

Krischan Brandl.png

Krischan Brandl

Head of Personnel Development for Scientific Staff, JMU Research Academy

Excellent Science Needs Excellent Support - How the Agility Lab is Innovating Government”

Sabrina Reich.png

Sabrina Reich, PhD

Science Manager Agility Lab, University of Stuttgart

DEiN Parcours - Digital introduction for new teachers at the University of Bonn”

Strapi Bilder FFL (7).png

Ursula Gießmann, PhD

Bonn Center for Higher Education (BZH)

The AI-Update: How new digital tools will change the university landscape in 2024”

Strapi Bilder FFL (10).png

Prof. Dr. Sandra Niedermeier

Hochschule Kempten

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